Give hope and support to futures of young Aboriginals.

Leaving a gift in your Will is a significant way for you to help create lasting change. You’ll be helping ACAS improve the lives of young Aboriginal people and their communities.

A solicitor will help you put your Will together so the intention of your gift is legally binding. Please notify the Society of your valuable gift.

How you can help

Residual gift

A residual gift is a portion of your estate or the balance remaining after loved ones and expenses are provided for.

Percentage gift

A percentage bequest is a nominated percentage of your estate.

Monetary gift

A monetary or pecuniary legacy allows you to nominate a specified amount to continue the work of ACAS.

Specified gift

You may leave specified items of value, such as property, shares, jewellery or works of art to ACAS. Such items should be specifically named in your Will.

Thank you for assisting the Aboriginal Children’s Advancement Society in its work.