ACAS director and current President June Reimer a proud “Dunghutti” woman was awarded NSW Aboriginal Woman of the Year 2021. This award recognizes her many years of passionate and strong advocacy for First Nations people with a disability. June then progressed as a finalist for the prestigious Australian of the Year Awards 2022.

June is Deputy CEO Deputy CEO of the First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN) and has provided significant input into the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.
“As the Deputy CEO of the First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN) June has worked tirelessly to promote the rights of First Nations people with disability in NSW, across the country and internationally for over four decades,” said Royal Commissioner Andrea Mason.
As the peak body for First Nations people, FPDN was a key force in advocating for the establishment of the Royal Commission. June’s leadership and advocacy in both First Nations communities and the disability sector has meant the issues affecting First Nations people, their families and their communities are increasingly receiving the attention they deserve.
As one of our directors June has made a telling contribution to the work of ACAS over many years.